Kansas City Institute of Podiatry – Athlete’s Foot Specialists
At any one time, about 15-25% of people have athlete’s foot, a very contagious fungal infection. Our doctors at Kansas City Institute of Podiatry have plenty of experience helping their patients find symptom relief and effectively treating the infection. If you develop itchy, scaly skin on your foot, call the office in Overland Park, Kansas or book an appointment online.
Athlete’s foot, or tinea pedis, is a fungal skin infection. Fungal infections occur in various parts of your body, but your feet are highly susceptible because fungi thrive in the warm, dark, moist environment found inside your shoes.
You can pick up a fungal infection from damp areas such as public showers, locker rooms, and swimming pools. The infection is highly contagious, so it easily spreads through contact with an infected person or when you touch contaminated surfaces like floors and towels.
Athlete’s foot usually starts between your toes, where you notice:
- Dry, scaly, itchy skin
- Inflammation and redness
- Itching that’s worse right after you take off your shoes
- Blisters and ulcers
Your symptoms can spread into the toenail and over the sole and side of the affected foot, developing into chronic dry skin that resembles eczema. You can also spread the fungus from your hands to other parts of your body.
he doctors at Kansas City Institute of Podiatry recommend these tips for preventing athlete’s foot:
- Don’t walk barefoot in public pools and locker rooms
- Treat your feet daily with anti-fungal powder or talcum powder
- Wear light, well-ventilated shoes (no vinyl or rubber)
- Wear socks that keep your feet dry and change them as needed
- Alternate shoes, so they have time to dry out
You can also help prevent athlete’s foot and other problems by following these guidelines:
- Wash your feet daily; dry them thoroughly
- Wear good-quality, well-fitting cotton socks
- Use the correct shoe for your sport
Depending on the severity of your infection, your doctor at Kansas City Institute of Podiatry may begin treatment with an over-the-counter antifungal ointment, lotion, powder, or spray.
When over-the-counter medications don’t clear up the infection, you may need prescription antifungals, either applied topically or orally.
If you have signs of athlete’s foot that don’t go away in a few days, the doctors at Kansas City Institute of Podiatry can help. Call or use online booking to schedule an appointment.
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